Jacob fell in love, and so did we

How can I express our gratitude for all the wonderful things you ladies have done for our family over the years? I remember the first day I came into the school for an open house so many years ago. Jacob playing with Mrs. Geddes in the big yellow room and Mrs. Vanderburgt glowing about the wonderful program – I knew from the moment I stepped in that this was a great school and that our family needed to be a part of it. I must say that you far exceeded our expectations. From day 1 and the nerves of dropping off Jacob for the first time, you allayed all our fears and made it an easy transition for us. Jacob fell in love, and so did we.

When it came time for Ethan to join Building Blocks, we again had such uncertainty. Our world had been turned upside down – a new baby and a new diagnosis, and a very energetic 4-year-old. Ethan truly flourished under your guiding care and how can I ever say Thank-you enough for that – we are ever indebted to you and you will always have a place in our hearts. Ethan is a shining example of how hard work and early intervention can make a world of difference and that all our tears and pain and hard work have borne great fruits.

Lastly, we come to precocious Adam. Truly the youngest child if ever there was one. Just when we thought you had dealt with the most difficult child, along Adam comes to change that thought. Even with all his attempted classroom break-aways and tears, you calmly and firmly guided him along and now he is pushing us out of the classroom saying it is time for us to leave, and after a quick hug and kiss, he is off to start his day.

I could write all day about the wonderful work that you do.

  • August 8, 2015

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