At Building Blocks Nursery School our philosophy is for each child to be encouraged in their creative, cognitive and social abilities. The child`s individuality, sense of wellbeing, belonging and independence will be nurtured in a loving and kind atmosphere. Our motivation will be to have your child; learn to be competent, capable, and curious, learn to share, be able to have free expression in many forms, co-operate, be engaged, be rich in potential and form trusting relationships with their peers and teachers alike. Building Blocks Nursery School is guided by and references “How Does Learning Happen?” Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years.
Building Blocks Nursery School aims to provide a safe and happy environment for your child. Our program will consist of different age appropriate activities which will enhance the development of the child’s small and gross motor skills, creative, quiet listening, nutritional needs, cognitive and sensory skills, as well as, dramatic play and free musical expression. Each child will be encouraged to move freely from centre to centre to work on new, challenging, interesting and different skills.
Building Blocks Nursery School reserves the right to cancel any class due to lack of enrolment. However, if a class is cancelled, a place in another class may be offered.
- We will promote the health, safety, nutrition and well-being of the children; Daily Health Check Monitoring is done with each child upon arrival, classrooms are inspected daily by teachers for safety issues, our menu follows the Canada Food Guide, our goal is that each child’s well-being is being met.
- Building Blocks Nursery School will support positive and responsive interactions among the children, parents, child care providers and staff by facilitating Parent Days such as: Parent Interactive Days, staff meetings and appropriate role modeling with all children and adults.
- We encourage the children to interact and communicate in a positive way and support their ability to self-regulate by providing opportunities for children to participate in ages appropriate activities and to have the freedom to communicate as needed.
- In order to foster the children’s exploration, play and inquiry Building Blocks will provide a wide variety of equipment, materials and experiences to nurture each child’s developing and inquisitive mind.
- Child-initiated and adult-supported experiences are continually fostered in our program example: During Countries Weeks we encourage children, families and adults to share experiences, music and materials from various regions and cultures of the world.
- Building Blocks Nursery School plans for and creates positive learning environments and experiences in which each child’s learning and development will be supported through observation, documentation and implementation of children and their play experiences.
- We incorporate into each child’s day ongoing indoor play, as well as active play such as gross motor movement, quiet time involving story time and quiet areas in classrooms, we give consideration to the individual needs of the children receiving child care with us by following their lead and facilitating their needs.
- We foster the engagement and ongoing communication with parents about the program and their children by communication through: newsletters, emails campaigns and parent and teacher verbal conversations at drop-off and pick-up times.
- Building Blocks is involved closely with local community partners (such as Pirs and Raising the Bar In Peel) and allows those partners to support the children, their families and staff. We support the continued partnership between families, community partnership organizations, and Building Blocks Nursery School, to foster the truest potential in all children.
- Building Blocks supports staff in relation to continuous professional learning by providing a Professional Development day once a year to attend workshops, conferences (in house or facilitated by community partners) to meet the needs of each individual, we encourage staff to further their education through various mediums such as college courses, webinars, evening courses, on-line courses etc.
Documentation of the above strategies (a-j) is done in various formats throughout the year such as staff meetings, observations, monitoring and ongoing conversations. We review the impact of the strategies set out in clauses above on the children and their families in the same way and all staff adhere to our Program Statement Implementation, Monitoring and Compliance Policy.