Registration Fees 2024
Please download our fees document here.
*A one-time registration fee is due at the time of registration for all classes.
(all registration fees are non-refundable)
Some of these dates, payments and withdrawal procedures may be subject to change as per Covid-19 regulations.
Base Fees and Non-Base Fees
Base Fees are daily school fees (as per our yearly fee schedule) and Registration fees. Non-Base Fees are things such as field trips, NSF fees, late pick-up fees, etc., these additional fees charged by centres are not considered Base Fees.
Refund Policy
Building Blocks strives to ensure that our parents are very satisfied with our programs. If for any reason your child is no longer able to attend our school, the following refund policy will apply:
All registration fees are non-refundable.
Preschool fees are refundable with one month’s notice. For example, if the school is notified in December that a child can no longer attend, the cheques dated January 1st (for February fees) to May 1st (for June fees) will be returned to the parent.
Note: Preschool fees are not refundable after March 1st.
The following JK/SK fees are non-refundable:
- The first three months of fees (dated June 1st, July 1st, and August 1st) are non-refundable in all cases.
- The last three months of fees (dated January 1st, February 1st, and March 1st) are non-refundable if notice is
not provided to the school prior to the commencement of the school year in September.
All other JK / SK fees are refundable with three month’s notice. For example, if the school is notified in September that a child can no longer attend, the cheques dated October 1st (for January fees), November 1st (for February fees), and December 1st (for March fees) will be returned to the parent.
Withdrawal Policy:
JK/SK: School fees paid July-April, with fees being non-refundable during the first three months (July, August, September) and the last three months (February, March, April). We require three months withdrawal notice during the rest of the school year.
Preschool: The school requires one (1) month withdrawal notice or the following months fees. As of August 1st, September’s fee is nonrefundable. As of March 1st, NO fees (April, May, June) are refundable.