Anaphylaxis Policy

Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening reaction to a substance such as peanuts, eggs, latex, food, medicine, exercise and bee stings.

Strategies to reduce the risk of exposure to anaphylactic agents:

  • All children with anaphylactic food allergy will provide their own snack.
  • All food brought into school from home must be in a container that is labeled with the child’s name and must also show the ingredients in the snack, this includes home baked goods.
  • Building Blocks Nursery School is a nut free area.
  • When purchasing snacks all food allergies are taken into consideration and ingredient lists are read to identify food allergens.
  • When snack is served each day the allergy list is consulted by the teacher serving the snack.
  • Allergy lists are posted in all eating areas and the kitchen. These lists are to be updated as required on an ongoing basis.
  • If a child’s allergies are to sever Building Blocks may decline admittance due to the fact that we share space with other organizations in the building.

Communication Plan:

  • Allergy lists are posted in various areas of the school.
  • All registration forms contain an area that inform the school of any allergies or food restrictions.
  • Upon registration all families are informed that Building Blocks Nursery School is a nut free area.
  • If requested by parent specific classes will be informed via a newsletter that there is a child with an anaphylactic allergy registered.
  • Staff are initially informed of all allergies in August prior to school starting and are continually updated during the year.
  • Students and volunteers to the school are to review all posted allergy lists.

Child’s individual plan and emergency procedure:

  • The parent or guardian of the child enrolled with an anaphylactic allergy will complete the Building Blocks Individual Action Plan for a Child with Special Medical Conditions.
  • A copy of the above form will be kept with the child’s registration forms and one will be posted for all staff, students and volunteers to see.
  • A child’s Epipen will either be stored in a Ministry of Education approved place or may be carried on the child’s body in a waist pack. This will be determined by the parents.


  • Where a child has an anaphylactic allergy, Building Blocks staff, students and volunteers will be provided with annual training by the parent in August or before the child starts school on the procedures to be followed in the event of a child having an anaphylactic reaction, including how to recognize the signs and symptom of anaphylaxis and administration of medication.