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Our son started going to Building Blocks in September 2003. He went 3 mornings in the Preschool setting and 2 mornings in the Kindergarten setting. This was what was decided by ourselves and the staff members, since our son has special needs and was at the age to attend Kindergarten but was, in certain areas, intellectually at the Preschool level. It was important to us to have our son with his peers, but we still had to acknowledge his delays. The staff at Building Blocks helped in both areas. They adapted the Kindergarten work to his level. He learned his alphabet (both upper and lower case), the sounds that each letter makes, and recognized his numbers to 20, by the end of this school year. He has been included in everything, from daily routines to Christmas and end of school concerts. He has been taught how to be just one of the kids! In order to keep our son’s academics up, we chose to keep him in Building Blocks for the smaller teacher/student ratio, 3 afternoons a week, even though he is attending a public school in the mornings (a decision we made so our son could learn the school routines before starting Grade 1). The staff continues to encourage him to try the difficult tasks, in a non-threatening way. Without Building Blocks, we feel our son would not be as far advanced as he is. We have nothing but praise for the school and all involved. The only thing we want to know is “WHY DON’T YOU TEACH HIGHER GRADES?”!!!
Greg and Kathy Thompson