We have some good news for you…
For all Building Blocks Families past, present and future.
Building Blocks Nursery School is proud to announce the intended re-opening of our Preschool Program!We are tentatively planning and registering for our September preschool class; at this time we can only offer 5 mornings a week due to Covid-19 cohort restrictions. Children aged 2.5 – 3 years of age can now register for September 2021. Registration forms, $100 registration fee and immunization records are required upon enrollment. Please contact the school via phone (905-846-3305) for further details. We hope to hear from many returning families and please share this information with family, friends and neighbours.
We are currently taking ongoing September registrations for JK and SK.
Fee schedules are now available.
Please download and read our COVID-19 Policy.