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To the Staff at Building Blocks:
We would like to offer our sincerest appreciation to all of the staff at Building Blocks for helping us to bring out a significant transformation in our son, Dhruv, and for providing a loving and fun learning environment.
He was one of those kids who cried for almost 2 months, and we worried if he would ever adjust to the change. The words of encouragement, patience, and care displayed by his teachers towards him helped ease our minds and played an important role in helping him get used to the new environment.
Now that he has overcome the fear and separation anxiety, we see that he truly enjoys coming to school. We are so happy by his development and the things that he has learnt. He often talks about school, his teachers, the things he’s learnt and sometimes surprises us by singing some of the songs he’s learnt. Before we read him a book, he makes it a point to sing “I’m a ready listener”. His other favourites are “Ready for parents when they come” and “The more we get together”.
Being a kid who rarely showed what he knew, and preferred to observe, he rarely spoke in class or seldom got involved in the group activities. He would come home and tell us about what he learnt at school rather than showing it out in the class to his teachers. This coupled with some of the feedback we received from the teachers words to us, however, the suggestions they provided were instrumental in initiating a major change in Dhruv, by helping him open up and get comfortable with talking to his teachers and his classmates. It reinforced our decision to put Dhruv in Building Blocks, as we saw it as an environment where the teachers were actively involved in his development and progress. We are grateful that the teachers provide feedback on a regular basis and suggest creative solutions to better the child’s experience at the school and enhance their personal and social skills.
We can see the amount of thought and effort put in by the teachers and the dedication they have, in the art-work that he brings home from school, in the wordings of the songs he learns and sings, in the weekly themes, and in the creative approach used in teaching the children, making it a well-rounded experience.
All of the above made the decision of where he should attend Kindergarten a no-brainer.
Thank you once again for the wonderful work you do. Cheers to all the teachers and staff. Have a great summer.
Vibha Rajesh and Rajesh Sampath